Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CTE: Making the Difference Video

Watch this new video about the importance of Career Technical Education (CTE):

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jobapalooza Expo

The Jobapalooza Expo for young adults 15-21 years old will be held on Thursday, March 10, 2011 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the College of Lake County.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

01-18-2010 - Student Announcements Podcast

Tech Campus Recruiting at Johnsburg High School

A Tech Campus representative will be recruiting next week at Johnsburg HS on Monday, January 24, and at Libertyville HS on Tuesday, January 25. Please see Ms. Martin if you would like to assist.

Juniors - Don't Forget to Register for Tech Campus next year!

Juniors don’t forget to see your Guidance Counselors to enroll for the 2011-2012 Tech Campus school year. You must re-enroll for your second year.

SkillsUSA Written Qualifying Exam Registration Due Tomorrow!

SkillsUSA members that intend on taking a written qualifying exam to compete at State Conference in April must turn in their registration slip by tomorrow! Written Qualifying Exams will take place on Saturday, February 19, at Libertyville High School.

SkillsUSA Membership Deadline Extended to 1/19

If you are not yet a member of the Tech Campus SkillsUSA, you still have time! Second semester membership has been extended until Wednesday, January 19. Membership dues are $35.00. Applications are available in the front office.

Tour of Tech - Great Success!

Thank you to all the students that assisted with the Tour of Tech last Thursday! The night was a success! Congratulations to the following students that won a free 3-credit hour course from the College of Lake County: Ashley Estrella, Medical Assisting and Ashley Carbajal, Photographic Design.

Monday, January 10, 2011

01-10-2010 - Student Announcements Podcast

SkillsUSA Written Qualifying Exam Meeting this Week

There will be a meeting for all SkillsUSA members that plan on taking any of the written qualifying exams to compete at the State Conference on Tuesday, in the Triple Classroom at:
  • 9:45 a.m.
  • 11:30 a.m.
  • 2:00 p.m.

Student Ambassador Meetings this Week

There will be a meeting for those Student Ambassadors that will be attending Tour of Tech on Tuesday, in the Triple Classroom at:
  • 9:00 a.m.
  • 10:45 a.m.
  • 1:30 p.m.

Tech Campus Recruiting at Antioch and Lakes High Schools

A Tech Campus representative will be recruiting next week at Antioch HS and Lakes HS on Wednesday, January 12. Please see Ms. Martin is you are able to assist.

Win an Android Tablet!

The Tech Campus is selling raffle tickets this week for an Android Tablet. Tickets are $1.00. All monies raised will help fund the Tech Campus Student of the Year Scholarship. Tickets may be purchased this week in the front office and during Tour of Tech. The drawing will take place at 7:00 p.m. during Tour of Tech.

Tour of Tech - Thursday, January 13

Tour of Tech, formerly Open House, is next Thursday, January 13 from 4:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. Please encourage freshmen and sophomores in your schools to attend. This is a great evening for prospective students to check out all we do!

SkillsUSA Membership Deadline Approaching!

If you are not yet a member of the Tech Campus SkillsUSA, you still have time! Second semester membership is open until Friday, January 14. Membership dues are $35. Applications are available in the front office.

Juniors - Enroll for Tech Campus with your Counselors Now!

Juniors don’t forget to see your Guidance Counselors to enroll for the 2011-2012 Tech Campus school year. You must re-enroll for your second year.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tech Campus Recruiting at Highland Park High School

A Tech Campus representative will be recruiting next week at Highland Park HS on Monday, January 10, and Antioch HS and Lakes HS on Wednesday, January 12. Please see Ms. Martin is you are able to assist.

Student Ambassadors - Sign Up to Help at Tour of Tech

Student Ambassadors that were not able to attend the meeting for Tour of Tech before break, and would like to help out that evening, please see Ms. B in the front office to sign up for duties and give your t-shirt size.

Tour of Tech - Thursday, January 13

Tour of Tech, formerly Open House, is next Thursday, January 13 from 4:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. Please encourage the underclassmen in your schools to attend. This is a great evening for prospective students to check out all we do!

Juniors - Enroll for Tech Campus with your Counselors Now!

Juniors don’t forget to see your Guidance Counselors to enroll for the 2011-2012 Tech Campus school year. You must re-enroll for your second year.

Thank You for Supporting "A Safe Place"

Thank you to everyone that made a monetary or pajama donation for A Safe Place. The pajama drive was a huge success! A special thanks to the Fire Fighting program for their generosity.

SkillsUSA Membership Deadline Approaching!

If you are not yet a member of the Tech Campus SkillsUSA, you still have time! Second semester membership is open until Friday, January 14. Membership dues are $35. Applications are available in the front office.

01-05-2010 - Student Announcements Podcast